Celebrating Reading, St. Patrick’s Day and Two Special Xtramath Stars in C-8


This was the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Seuss’s Fox In Socks!

We attended a school-wide celebration for the national Read Across America Day. The second grade performed wonderfully on stage. Our class performed a song about reading with Mrs. Cooke’s students while Mrs. Porcello’s students did a skit about where they read. The entire school watched a powerpoint by Ms. Smith about Dr. Seuss and reading and the entire school recited the reading oath. 

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Our class on stage ready to perform!

After the assembly, the guest readers read to the classes. We were lucky that our guest reader was State Representative Colleen Garry (who is also Mrs. Riordan’s sister).  She read a biography of Dr. Seuss and posed for a photo. She answered a few questions but since she had to leave to attend another reading event at Englesby, she promised to come back again. Thank you, Rep. Garry!

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Say “READ” instead of cheese!

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Rep. Garry reading to the students.

On Monday, March 16th, five of our students brought in their creative homemade leprechaun catchers to try and catch a live leprechaun. We left them on the table in the back of the classroom at the end of the school day.


Brooklynn was absent when we took the photo of her leprechaun catcher.


Mary’s leprechaun catcher had gold eggs, shiny green shamrocks and a rainbow ramp!


Chloe was absent but she sent in her catcher with her older sister.


Dominic’s catcher included an Irish flag.


Nick’s catcher had pot of gold.

This is what the students found when they came in on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. 

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The leprechauns left a message on our projector!


They stacked our special library chairs….


and they had a party with our book character stuffed animals!


They hung a rainbow over Mrs. Riordan’s desk and messed up all the students’ desks and chairs!


The leprechaun catchers were great but they couldn’t outsmart our tricky visitors who used our car magnets to drive all over the table! They also “borrowed” many things from the leprechaun catchers!


Boy, were the students excited to find the results of all the shenanigans!

Mrs. Riordan gave each child a special snack bag of Lucky Charms that said “I’m so lucky to have you in my class!”


Special St. Patrick’s Day snack!

The students did a creative writing craft activity. They had to write about “Who is worth more to you than gold?” They wrote and illustrated and then put it on a pot of gold complete with gold coins and rainbow streamers. We hung them up in the hallway for everyone to see.


The students’ writing on proud display!

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Mia’s writing project

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Britney’s pot of gold


I have to confess that Ava’s was my favorite!

Near the end of the day, we got a call from the office that there had been a delivery by two little men from Ireland. They asked if we could send two children to the office to pick it up. And as you can see, those tricky leprechauns gave us their pot of gold. Well, it was gold candy….and underneath the candy, we found all the things they had “borrowed” from our catchers. They returned everything they had taken after all! Each child got two pieces of gold candy.


The leprechaun’s pot of gold

Finally, we need to congratulate our two fantastic Xtramath Superstars. Both Britney and Nicholas have now completed the subtraction level of Xtramath and are currently working on multiplication facts. We have a few other students that are getting close to finishing a level. Don’t forget you can practice Xtramath at home after school or on the weekends!

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10 thoughts on “Celebrating Reading, St. Patrick’s Day and Two Special Xtramath Stars in C-8

  1. I love seeing all the awesome stuff you guys do!! If it wasn’t for this blog I wouldn’t know anything.. Lol!! Thank you for taking timethe to do it!!! Amy

    • Don’t feel bad….my girls never told me much either. One of the reasons I do the blog to help get conversations started at our second graders homes.

  2. Thanks for sharing Mrs. Riordan! I love all of the pictures! Brad was excited to talk about all the shenanigans of the leprechauns!!

    Allison Volpe 🙂

  3. Great pictures!

    Wow…I can’t believe all the mischief the leprechauns created! It looks like you all enjoyed celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.

    I will see you next week!

    • Glad you liked the photos! I’m glad those tricky fellows have headed back to Ireland! Thank you for your help today! See you next week!

  4. I am glad to see kids’ pictures, really enjoying the day.It looks like leprechauns are really naughty kids!
    All of above; This blog is a good communication bridge between the parents and the teachers.

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